Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Time Flies When You Have a Baby!

Lennox is five weeks today and I still can't believe it! It was amazing to spend Mother's Day with him this past Sunday and it finally hit home that I am a mommy! Ernesto and I used to joke that there would come a day that we wouldn't be able to just freely move around our home as we pleased and I didn't quite believe him, but that day has come! At times, it feels a bit restricting and the most simplest tasks, like taking a shower, become the most sacred moments of the day--however, when I stare into Lennox's cute little face, it's all worth it. I am really blessed to have 12 weeks off from work for maternity leave, too. I honestly feel like I'm just now getting into a groove caring for Lennox and moving to-and-fro with him. I really don't think 6 weeks off is enough, especially not for a first-time mother! There is soooo much to learn and no matter what your mother or your friends tell you, you simply learn by doing. I had planned to take Lennox to a "Mommy and Me Yoga" class this morning to observe it before signing up--however,there was a snag--when I looked out the window, I saw that my husband had taken the car with the car seat--Argh (insert tears, here!)!! Needless to say, I could have really benefited from yoga, if even just as an observer today. Luckily, when I called my husband at work, he was able to bring home the car so that we wouldn't be stranded indoors all day. We'll try again next week to view the class and who knows, we might just attend! One solution to today's snafu is that my sister and I will go to Babys R Us to buy another carseat base so both of our cars will be car seat ready!!

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