Yesterday, as I was walking to my car after work, I couldn't help but notice this three-year old girl who was being escorted by her parents on a leash. Now, let me explain, the leash was masked as a 'monkey backpack' with the long, monkey tail functioning as the "leash." In a way, that almost made it more disturbing b/c the little girl almost looked like she was in a monkey Halloween costume! I mean, I realize that parents want their children to be safe while walking on the street, but is a leash necessary? What do you all think?
First of all, I love that you found a picture of it on the Internet so you could demonstrate without embarrassing the real people. Secondly, I think it's weird, but at the same time, you never know who will come steal your kid these days if you're not attached to him, or if the kid decides he's running off to the toy section. Hilarious overall though
There is no way you are a parent with a comment like that. These leashes can save their lives little kids are curious and can run off. I do not have this problem but my husband has had my son run off several times in his care so a leash to me is worth it I could care less what anyone thinks as your opinons will not save a childs life and I hate to say it but Dads do not watch children as close as a mother does.
There is no way you are a parent with a comment like that and if you are you must have girls. I think that a leash is a good idea it can save the childs life. I do not have a problem with my son running off on me I watch him like a hawk you can not take your eyes off them for a second but my husband has had our son run off and it scares the heck out of me so the leash is a great idea and who cares what other people think as their opinon is not going to matter when your child is missing or laying in a hospital bed.
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